A picture is worth a thousand words

A client that runs events for car dealers wanted to liven up showroom event registration forms and increase engagement.

The background is that as part of the registration process, they ask the registrant which make and model they are interested in prior to them arriving at the event. Previously they used basic checkboxes. We suggested keeping checkboxes but adding images to them just like the screenshot below.

Picture choice option from Mitingu.png

Buying decisions are based on 80% emotion and 20% logic. Adding images stokes up those emotions prior to them arriving at the showroom.

Picture choice options are great for car events, they’re also great for events where you’re trying to stand out from the crowd and want the registration form to drive engagement whilst collecting valuable attendee data.

Mitingu_Conference_by_Mitingu (1).png

Perhaps you’re giving away complimentary food and drink at your event and finding out the most popular items will help you spend wisely and save on waste. It will also entice the attendee in as they visualise being at the event with a cocktail (for this example) in hand.

Using images relevant to the event will help increase engagement.

Live events may not return until later in the year or even into 2021, the competition to get noticed will be fierce, let the pictures help you stand out from the crowd.


5 Simple Steps to Creating a Great Event Website


Woah, zoom, I'd like to fly far away from here